Wellness treatments that promote healing and work to improve and enhance mind and body.

Standard 50 min - $100
Deep full body stretch that focuses on all major muscle groups and extremities
Maintenance 25 min - $60
Concentrates on specific major muscle groups and can help alleviate muscle tightness
Stretch Therapy is the scientific application of a range of techniques to treat certain physical issues associated with tight muscles and restricted joints. The benefits include:
Improves range of motion: Simply put, stretching makes it easier to keep moving by lubricating joints and enhancing and maintaining range of motion. It improves tissue oxygenation, increases blood flow, provides your muscles with nutrients, and helps to remove metabolic waste.
Reduce muscle and joint pain: Stretching helps to alleviate muscle tension, reducing pain in sore areas and can aid in injury and pain prevention.
Improved posture: Stiffness can set in when you don’t use muscles often enough, while pain can result from using them the wrong way. Stretching gives you better posture and improves blood flow through connective tissues that may be knotted up and causing pain.
Reduce stress: Stretching benefits both your physical well-being and your mental health, as it allows the blood and oxygen to flow better, improving mental clarity.
Improves your performance: Muscles work best when they’re long and joints work best when they’re flexible. Dynamic stretching helps to achieve that, and it also elevates blood flow and can improve heart rate.
What to expect : Your stretch won’t be painful, but your stretchologist will communicate with you throughout your stretch to gauge your comfort level. It’s best to wear clothes you feel comfortable moving in. People wear workout clothes, gym shorts, yoga pants, T-shirts, etc. Jeans and slacks tend to restrict your mobility, so we suggest not wearing those types of materials. We require socks for your safety and hygiene.
30 mins. - $30
Experience the health benefits of infrared sauna therapy: detoxification, relaxation, pain relief, weight loss, lower blood pressure, increased circulation and skin purification. This clinically backed near, mid and far infrared system feels similar to sunbathing as it warms your core body temperature in a heated space, delivering personalized results. The addition light therapy creates a relaxing environment while enhancing your overall healing experience.
* Comfortable clothing or swimsuit is recommended